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[Editor's Pick] Current Optics and Photonics Vol. 8 no. 3 (2024 June)

사무국 hit 425 date 2024-06-25

Fabrication of Phase Plate to Simulate Turbulence Effects on an Optical Imaging System in Strong Atmospheric Conditions

Han-Gyol Oh1,2, Pilseong Kang1, Jaehyun Lee1, Hyug-Gyo Rhee1,2 *, Young-Sik Ghim1,2 **, and Jun Ho Lee3


Current Optics and Photonics  Vol. 8 No. 3 (2024 June), pp. 259-269

Fig. 1  Schematic diagram of (a) effect of turbulence layer (atmosphere) in the telescope, (b) adaptive optics (AO) system using an optical phase plate (OPP) as the turbulence layer.


Keywords: Adaptive optics, Air disturbance, Fabrication, Optical phase plate
OCIS codes: (010.1330) Atmospheric turbulence; (220.1080) Active or adaptive optics; (220.4610) Optical fabrication

Optical imaging systems that operate through atmospheric pathways often suffer from image degradation, mainly caused by the distortion of light waves due to turbulence in the atmosphere. Adaptive optics technology can be used to correct the image distortion caused by atmospheric disturbances. However, there are challenges in conducting experiments with strong atmospheric conditions. An optical phase plate (OPP) is a device that can simulate real atmospheric conditions in a lab setting. We suggest a novel two-step process to fabricate an OPP capable of simulating the effects of atmospheric turbulence. The proposed fabrication method simplifies the process by eliminating additional activities such as phase-screen design and phase simulation. This enables an efficient and economical fabrication of the OPP. We conducted our analysis using the statistical fluctuations of the refractive index and applied modal expansion using Kolmogorov’s theory. The experiment aims to fabricate an OPP with parameters D/r0 ≈ 30 and r0 ≈ 5 cm. The objective is defined with the strong atmospheric conditions. Finally, we have fabricated an OPP that satisfied the desired objectives. The OPP closely simulate turbulence to real atmospheric conditions.