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[JOSK] Important Announcement - Journal Title Change!

Admin hit 384 date 2022-05-19

Journal of the Optical Society of Korea (JOSK) changes its title to Current Optics and Photonics (COPP) in February 2017. This change is intended to open doors for more international authors and readers.
JOSK has been published as one of the official journals of the Optical Society of Korea (OSK) since 1997. JOSK is indexed in major international databases, such as Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), SCOPUS, OSA Publishing, and KCI. The official abbreviated journal title will be Curr. Opt. Photon. and its acronym will be COPP.

COPP will be an international, peer-reviewed, and open access journal published bimonthly. The journal will contain articles about optical science, optical technology, photonics, quantum electronics, digital holography and information optics, biophotonics, display, and optical materials.
COPP will maintain its indexing in SCIE, SCOPUS, OSA Publishing, and KCI even after the journal changes its name. The official title change and corresponding Impact Factor (IF) calculation will be completed after four years (2020). During the first two years (2017~2018), COPP will not have an IF because the journal would not have a history of articles published under the new title for each of the two preceding years. In the third year (2019), separate IFs will be calculated for both JOSK and COPP (or COPP may have an Immediacy Index for the third year in place of the IF). From the fourth year (2020), only COPP will be maintained in JCR with a proper IF. Therefore, we would like to inform you that your submitted paper could be published in COPP.

The other major change to the journal is the implementation of a modern online submission system. This change will support shortened publication time as well as improve the environmental footprint of the journal. The homepage of JOSK is officially open and manuscripts should be submitted through the website. The homepage URL of JOSK is After the title change to COPP, it will be

COPP strives to impart highly relevant and timely knowledge to a broad audience. COPP welcomes high quality research and innovative studies in optics and photonics for a rapid review and timely publication. The Editorial Board Members will do their best to publish high quality articles for international scholars and readers.

Please do not hesitate to contact us (, if you have any inquires or questions.

Bumki Min
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


Soon-Hong Kwon
Executive Editor, Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Chung-Ang University
