Jan. 1
The title of the English Journal is changed from the JOSK to the Current Optics and Photonics (COPP).
- Jul. 13-15
the OSK hosts a summer meeting commemorating the 25th year of the OSK and the IYL in Gyeongju.
- Jan. 19-20
the OSK participated in the ceremony commemorating the International Year of Light (IYL) as the national node for Korea.
- Feb. 1
MOU with the European Optical Society (EOS)
- Jan. 1
MOU with the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) and with the Chinese Society of Optical Engineering (CSOE).
- May
nine technical divisions were organized. (Optical technology, Photonics, Optical science, Digital Holography and Information Optics, Biophotonics, Quantum electronics, Quantum Optics and Information, Lithography)