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[Editor's Pick] Current Optics and Photonics Vol. 8 no. 2 (2024 April)

사무국 hit 700 date 2024-04-24

Quantifying Aberrations on Object Plane Using Zernike Polynomials

Yohan Kim1 *, Theo Nam Sohn2, Cheong Soo Seo1, and Jin Young Sohn1


Current Optics and Photonics  Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024 April), pp. 151-155


  Fig. 1  Optical layout of 1.5× magnification WiseScope. LED, light-emitting diode; PBS, polarizing beam splitter.



Keywords: Focus measure, Optical aberration, Wavefront error, Zernike polynomials
OCIS codes: (010.7350) Wave-front sensing; (080.1010) Aberrations (global); (100.2550) Focalplane-array image processors; (110.0110) Imaging systems; (120.4640) Optical instruments

Optical systems often suffer from optical aberrations caused by imperfect hardware, which places significant constraints on their utility and performance. To reduce these undesirable effects, a comprehensive understanding of the aberrations inherent to optical systems is needed. This article presents an effective method for aberration detection using Zernike polynomials. The process involves scanning the object plane to identify the optimal focus and subsequently fitting the acquired focus data to Zernike polynomials. This fitting procedure facilitates the analysis of various aberrations in the optical system.