News Notice and guidelines

How to register and submit your paper to OSK events (For member)

OSK OFFICE hit 1348 date 2023-04-27

We appreciate your interest for the OSK events. Here we explain the detailed process to register and submit the paper to the event, so please read it carefully. If you have ant further issues, please do not hesitate to contact us ( 


※ Note: To submit the paper, you should finish the registration at first! 



[ How to register the event ]


1. Enter to the OSK website, and click the "English" option button on the upper right side.  


2. Select the Conference menu  


3.  Click the registration menu. 



4.  Select the button shown as a red box in the image below.  

5. If you remit the annual fee already, select the button on the right side.

    If you did not remit the fee, select the left side shown as a red box in the image. 


6. Login with your account. 


7. The information will be automatically filled out. These are from your account information, so if you have an error in this process,  return to “my page” and revise your information. Please note that all the information should be filled out. And if the event is for domestic (Korea), only the domestic payment system will be activated. It means that the credit card issues in overseas is not available.  In this case, we recommend to use Bank transfer option. (If the event is global, the overseas payment system will be activated.)




8.  Fill out your name and the date to remit the fee. 

    Please note that you should select the date before the pre-registration deadline.


    Wire transfer information is as follows: 


    Details of Charges : OUR 
    Bank address: 79, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04541, Republic of Korea
    Account holder’s name: Optical Society of Korea 
    Account number: 600-034920-04-141
    Beneficiary Address: 1610 Taeyoung Dessian, 320, Dongmak-ro, Mapo-Gu, Seoul 04157, Korea



9. Select the submit button. 



[ How to submit the paper ]


※ NOTE: Corresponding author must join as OSK member before submit the paper. 

         If not, please move to join menu before submit the paper. 


1. Continue the log-in status, and click the Submission menu


2. Select the Language, division, speaker, presentation options. 

    After select the options, click the button to find the corresponding author. 

   ( Note:  구두발표 = Oral presentation / 포스터 발표 = Poster presentation / 초청강연 = Invited speaker )


3. Search the email address of the corresponding author. 



4. Add the affiliations and co-author's information. 


5. Fill out the information and upload your paper. 





